2023 in Frames
Embark on a visual odyssey through the lens of Sam Logan in this captivating collection of photographs from the year 2023. From the bustling streets to serene landscapes, Sam's keen eye and dedication to the craft bring forth a stunning array of moments frozen in time.
People Watching: A Book of Street Photography
The latest and greatest of published street photographs made from film and digital photographs.
Homicide: Wicker Park
A book of real life murders in Wicker Park with original police reports and modern day photographs of where the crimes happened.
Old Chicago
Street photographs of older adults in the streets of Chicago, Illinois.
Abandoned Landscapes
Photographs of buildings, places, and spaces devoid of humans
People, on the Street
My first publication of street photographs.
Old New York
Images of older adults on the streets of New York.
The Anne Frank Diet
Zine about what Anne Frank ate.
Lemmy #1
First in the series of the Lemmy cartoon zines.
Lemmy #2
Second in the series of Lemmy cartoon zines.
Lemmy #3
Third in the series of Lemmy cartoon zines.
Lemmy #4
Finale zine in the Lemmy cartoon zine.